Meet Our Team

Heads of the House.

Channing House founder Dr. Russel V. A. Lee was a true visionary who set high standards and worked relentlessly to meet them. So are our leaders and board of trustees. Meet the passionate, creative people who manage our resources, programs and services to give our senior residents the amazing lives Dr. Lee believed they deserved.





Rhonda Bekkedahl

Rhonda Bekkedahl, CEO


Board of Trustees and Officers

Maureen Sheehan

Maureen Sheehan, Chair

Tom Hofstedt

Tom Hofstedt, Vice Chair

ZengYu Chen

ZengYu Chen, Treasurer

Marcia Pugsley

Marcia Pugsley, Secretary

Patty Fisher

Patty Fisher

Calvin Brenneman, MD

Calvin Brenneman, MD

Pancho Chang

Pancho Chang

Stephne Lencioni

Stephne Lencioni

Bruce McFarlane

Bruce McFarlane

Tom DuBois

Tom DuBois

Sue Gilbert

Sue Gilbert

Jonathan Schatz

Jonathan Schatz