Residential Living

Residential Living

Take the active life you’re enjoying now. Add a bright, beautiful residential apartment located just a short walk from downtown Palo Alto and Stanford. Throw in a vibrant community of fascinating, friendly people and lots to do. Now subtract every single hassle and worry that comes with maintaining and running a home (including cooking and housekeeping!). 

That’s Residential Living at Channing House, where less responsibility means more time—and freedom—to enjoy life like never before.  

More time for travel and exploring. Making new friends and reconnecting with old ones. Trying new things and learning about subjects that have always interested you. No matter what it is, there’s a great chance you’ll find a fellow Channing neighbor ready to join you.  

With all that our community has to offer, it’s important for future residents to plan ahead.  While we have a variety of styles from which to choose, availability is limited.  We offer a wait list called The Advantage Club.  Joining the Advantage Club provides an opportunity to get acquainted with Channing House before moving in and to identify timing and specific styles of residences.  It’s a simple process to join and the deposit is both refundable and creditable to your entrance fee.

So, go dig out that bucket list and join us. Your “someday” is here, and it’s going to be amazing.

Apartment Homes

Multiple floor plans. Unlimited possibilities. Browse our maintenance-free apartments and find one that’s right for you.  

Financial Information

Learn about the value built into our Life Care Community model.

Older woman with gray hair reading a newspaper at a dining table.